what brand of wild you rocking?

15+ years exp.

Data & AI to Retail, and E-commerce in Brazilian Market.

100+ talks

Business and Digital Transformation, Data Science, and Leadership.

600+ people

managed, trained and developed throughout professional career.

+ deets on me

believer, husband, father of 2... and counting!

work hard, get ready, be kind, and fear the Lord!

Prov. 31

good stuff to know

things I'm proud of

vision & principles for life

In the ever-evolving landscape of our world, the path to success is paved with the enduring values of Integrity and Transparency. These are the guiding stars of our journey. They remind us that honesty in our actions and clarity in our intentions form the bedrock of trust and respect. In every step we take, let us be guided by the unwavering commitment to do what is right, not just what is easy.

As we navigate through the complexities of our endeavors, Continuous Learning emerges as a beacon of hope and progress. It's the relentless pursuit of knowledge, the unquenchable thirst for understanding, and the joy of discovery that drives us forward. In this dynamic world, our growth is limited only by our willingness to learn.

The power of Collaboration cannot be overstated in this symphony of collective progress. It's in the fusion of diverse thoughts, ideas, and perspectives that true innovation is born. Remember, the most harmonious melodies are created when different notes come together. Our collaborative efforts will be the catalyst for change, the force that transforms obstacles into opportunities.

Finally, the pursuit of Innovation and Excellence is what sets us apart in a world of mediocrity. Innovation is not just about new ideas; it's about reimagining the old and executing the new with excellence. It's about seeing the unseen, thinking the unthinkable, and doing the undoable. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. It's the persistent effort to do better today than we did yesterday, and to leave a trail of greatness in our wake.

let us embark on this inspiring journey,
where integrity lights the way,
learning fuels our growth,
collaboration forges our path, and
innovation, coupled with excellence,
leads us to new heights.

let's make a difference,
let's leave a legacy, and
let's do it with the values
that define us.